Meet TASB Master Trustee Paola Gonzalez: Daughter of Immigrants, Mother to Five Pasadena ISD Students

Incumbent Paola Gonzalez is A Proven Leader Dedicated to the Improvement of our District, Safety, Wellbeing, and Growth of Every Student 

Paola Gonzalez is a Licensed Professional Counselor, small business owner, mental health provider, and Registered Play Therapist serving our community. She is also the founder of Pasadena Counseling Center. Prior to founding her own practice, Paola served as the only child therapist on staff at The Bridge Over Troubled Waters for many years and now proudly serves on the board of directors. Paola is active in her community and volunteers with various local organizations and nonprofits. She also volunteers for health fairs, career days at schools throughout the district, and provides training for mental health service providers.

From her upbringing in Houston, to her leadership in Pasadena, Paola has remained committed to our community and the values of a good education as foundational to our shared success. She is proud to share that since being elected Trustee:

  • All Voter Approved Projects have Been Completed

    This includes new turf for student athletes, portable emergency buttons for staff and new safety cameras, expanded mental health support for students, and new facilities across our district

  • Paola Gonzalez has Secured the Support of Leaders we Trust

    As the only TASB Master Trustee on our Board, Paola Gonzalez has gained the support of her colleagues, our constables, and other key stakeholders in our community.

  • Pasadena Has Worked to Deliver Additional Student Safety Funding from Austin

    Paola Gonzalez is respected by our Representatives across the aisle.

- Paola Gonzalez

Paola is Building On Our SuccesS At Pasadena ISD, by Listening to Our Parents

In just a few years, we have delivered on safer schools and healthier students. But there is more work to do. ¡Adelante!

    1. Physical safety: hardening of schools, providing Guardians, following state mandated safety measures

    2. Emotional safety: implementation of SEL curriculum to improve schools, create emotionally safe learning environments, decrease bullying, increase reporting of issues

    3. Security: exterior window bullet resistant films, improved camera and monitoring systems, Cintigex buttons on every teacher/staff ID; bus safety through scanning in and scanning out

    1. Local representation: parent, community member, representative of our student population of 85% Latino students

    2. State & Federal Advocacy: Representing Pasadena ISD at the state and federal level to ensure that our legislative priorities are communicated to state representatives 

    3. Mental health: only mental health professional on our board, knowledge of our communities needs 

    1. Fiscal responsibility: with the tight budget that our district has, appropriate use of taxpayer dollars

    2. Advocacy at the state level for increase basic allotment: no education savings accounts as they do not benefit public school students

    3. Increase special education funding: Pasadena ISD’s large population of special education students (14%) are an opportunity for our community increase the accessibility of education and ensure all students are successful and productive

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